'Red Dead Redemption 2' release date could bring crossplay between PS4 and Xbox One

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the long-awaited followup to the excellent 2010 Western-themed adventure Red Dead Redemption. We don't have as many details about the game as we'd like just yet, but we're looking forward to learning more. One tidbit that's come about recently is the possibility that it might support cross-play between PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. If that's the case, it'll open up a whole new world of possibilities for players.
Red Dead Redemption 2 cross-play: Will Rockstar let different consoles play together?
Comicbook.com reported that several unnamed sources have confirmed Rockstar's possible interest in allowing cross-platform multiplayer for Red Dead 2. Supposedly, talks are currently underway between all three parties to potentially bring the platforms together. But so far there not been any sort of official announcement to that end.
It's going to be an important turning point for Red Dead Redemption 2 fans if this bit of information does turn out to be true, especially since it's such a hotly anticipated release. This way fans won't have to purchase a second copy — or worse, a second console — in order to play with certain friends!
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