‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ Release Date: New details on the Disney RPG could be coming soon

Kingdom Hearts III continues to be that ever-elusive dangling carrot that we’re snarling and snapping away at, but can’t quite reach. Just like many other games we’re looking forward to, we’re given a minute amount of news every few months or so and we’re left to wait patiently as additional bits trickle down, if they do at all.
The latest information is supposed to come out of a Disney-sanctioned event, no less, specifically the D23 Expo on Saturday. It’s said that the video game showcase could very well be the harbinger of Kingdom Hearts III news after a confirmation that a presentation featuring the game will be livestreamed on Facebook and Twitch, according to PlayStation LifeStyle.
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The presentation during D23, which will feature YouTubers Jacksepticeye and Strawburry17 as they check out games like Star Wars Battlefront II, Spider-Man, and of course Kingdom Hearts III.
According to a tweet about the presentation from the official Kingdom Hearts account, there will be “special” Kingdom Hearts news tidbits during the livestream, so hopefully we’ll receive some sort of information as to when we might be able to expect Kingdom Hearts III, or at least a nudge in the right direction.
It’s doubtful anything resembling a release window will come of the presentation, but everyone likes new footage at the very least, and that’s what you can pretty much guarantee we’ll get an eyeful of.
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