‘League of Legends’ Season 8 Start Date and Predictions: When will it begin?
League of Legends operates in seasons each year, and currently season seven is going strong. There’s a whole wealth of new content coming for season eight, but it hasn’t started just yet. season eight will no doubt bring important changes to the game when it does touch down, but we don’t know exactly when they’ll be implemented at present. We can make educated guesses, however, and look forward to the new content. When does season eight launch? We’ve got a few ideas.
League of Legends Season 8 Start Date: When can we expect the new season to start?
Going by the previous season seven start date of December 7, we can assume that we will see the end of season eight start to wind down this November, as season 6 ended the last cycle on November 7. That gives you about a month of testing before the new season goes live, if the calendar for last year is to be believed.
Previously, the new seasons have even begun at the beginning of the new year, but the most accurate assessment for right now seems to be later this year if season eight follows the same model as the most recent season change.
Some important notes to keep in mind about League of Legends season eight is the fact that the game’s rune system is being revamped, making them free and making rune farming essentially obsolete. There’s a series of new keystones as well, which will offer some pretty monumental changes by way of the game’s current meta.
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