Stories That Pay Off: These are the freelance expenses you can actually write off on your taxes

There are only a few weeks left until Tax Day, and if you haven’t started filling out your forms yet, you’re far from alone. When you only have one full-time source of income, doing your taxes can be a breeze, but with more and more people taking on freelance work, the accompanying expenses can be a confusing bog to wade through. That’s why we took a look at some of the most common tax write-offs for freelance workers and how they can work for you, plus why you should keep your receipts for at least three years.
This week, we also found out what you need to know about the upcoming Apple Pay credit card (which, you guessed it, is literally called Apple Card), and watched 21 Savage teach students at a Georgia school that dealing with money doesn’t end at simply making it. Finally, we explored all the conversations you should be having with your roommates about your shared budget. With a little talking, you actually can avoid awkward electricity bill conflicts.
Is that deductible? How to write off freelance business expenses on your taxes
How much can you really write off for your home office? We asked experts for their best deduction advice. (And no, your bed doesn’t count as a home office.)
7 things to know about Apple’s new credit card
Here’s what we know about the Apple Card, which is coming this summer.
Watch: 21 Savage visits Georgia school to promote financial literacy for teenagers
Check out this video to learn more about the rapper’s “21 Savage Bank Account Campaign.”
6 conversations you need to have to avoid awkward money situations with your roommates
Don’t be caught in an endless Venmo cycle — figure out these money questions with your roommates before you split the bills.