Stories That Pay Off: Tips for paying off your student loans, from 7 people who already have

If you’re one of the more than 44 million Americans saddled with student loan debt, the payoff period can seem near interminable. But some people actually do manage — with plenty of hard work, careful budgeting and meticulous attention to detail — to pay them off. We talked to seven such people this week who shared exactly how they did it, what they wish they had known before and their best advice for making total repayment a reality.
As for other financial responsibilities, it’s still — unfortunately — tax season, so this week we explored even more of what you should know if you haven’t yet gotten to filing. Whether you’re trying to figure out how you might cover an unexpected tax bill or wondering what goes into filing an extension, we’ve got you covered. On a brighter note, for those on the hunt for a new job, we found out what you should really say when an interviewer asks if you have questions for them — with some preparation, it could go more smoothly than you expect.
7 people who finally paid off their student loan debt on how they did it
It’s certainly not easy, but these seven people show it doesn’t have to be impossible to pay off your student loans.
Got a tax bill instead of a refund? Here’s how to deal without going into debt
Don’t panic if you’re stuck paying the government more money this month, there are actually multiple ways you can pay your taxes.
Even if you get an extension, you still have to pay your taxes in April
Not sure you’re going to make it to the April 15 deadline? Here’s what to know about filing for a tax extension (which, you still have to do by April 15, fyi).
“Any questions for me?” is a trap. Here’s how to answer the dreaded interview question
Don’t get caught stumbling over the trickiest end-of-interview question.