Oscars 2013: Who Will Win, and Other Top PolicyMic Stories
1. China Cyber Attacks: A Reminder to Strengthen U.S. Cyber Defense (Pierce Stanley) – With several large media outlets being hit by cyberattacks, the U.S. needs to take stronger security precautions and work with those who have been hacked to take preventative measures.
2. 9 Politicians Who Voted For the Defense of Marriage Act But Cheated On Their Wives (Hannah Kapp-Klote) – These 9 politicians may have supported the Defense Of Marriage Act, but have done little to defend the sacred institution of marriage in their personal lives.
3. 3 Troubled Liberal Politicians the Press Are Giving a Pass (Frank Hagler)– Jesse Jackson, Jr. is the latest Democratic that has made the type of mistake that should be in heavy rotation on MSNBC and other liberal outlets.
4. Ed Markey Will Be the Democratic Nominee For Massachusetts Senate (Brian Jencunas) – In the primary battle in Massachusetts between Ed Markey and Stephen Lynch, Lynch's moderation and organizational weaknesses make Markey the clear favorite.
5. Breitbart "Friends of Hamas" Controversy Epitomizes the Sorry State Of Journalism Today (Daniel Cetina) – The "Friends of Hamas" scandal illuminates two key problems with contemporary journalism: media bias and hyper-competitiveness.
6. Academy Awards Predictions 2013: Who Will Win the Oscars and Why (Elena Sheppard) – A breakdown of all the Academy Award categories, and who we expect to take home the Oscars.
7. Do Humans Have the Genetic Ability to Become Mutant Superheroes? (Beth Ashbridge) – A new earthworm was found in Britain to have evolved the ability to withstand dangerously high levels of arsenic. Could human evolution ever create similar super mutations?
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