Closing Thoughts
No, Seth McFarlane, I did not have a good time while you were on-screen. Your best jokes were in the first minute, and then they went downhill from there. Some offensive jokes are fine, others have done fine with them but he overdid it and without wit behind them. Like many of his Family Guy sketches, his skits during the awards overstayed their welcome. His closing for the losers of the Oscars was nowhere near as good as his first song about breasts.
Most of the awards went as they were expected by a majority. The biggest surprise was the tie between Zero Dark Thirty and Skyfall for Best Sound Editing, mostly because there were no ties expected. Many will be surprised by Ang Lee besting Steven Spielberg for Best Director, but he greatly deserved it!
It was a pleasure to cover the Academy Awards this year, and to all my readers, thank you very much for reading this. I thank you and good night!