I am interested in issues regarding First Amendment rights, particularly free speech, freedom of the press and the interactions between secularism and religion in the modern world. I approach a lot of issues from a progressive viewpoint and try to steer clear of the "political party" divides which are often inflexible regardless of context. For that reason, I don't gravitate towards articles that have Democrats vs. Republicans as one of the main points. I am a recent college graduate from Harvard University (Class of 2011) with a concentration in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. My desired profession is science research in genetics, which of course means that I'm interested in science and science policy as well.
Oscars 2013 LIVE Blog: Live Stream, Nominees, and All the Updates
Closing Thoughts
Argo Wins Best Picture-Michelle Obama and Jack Nicholson Present the Award
Daniel Day-Lewis Wins Best Actor
Jennifer Lawrence Wins Best Actress-Upset Denied to Everyone Else
Ang Lee Wins Best Director!
Argo Wins Best Adapted Screenplay, Django Unchained Wins Best Original Screenplay
Adelle Wins Best Original Song
Life of Pi Wins Best Original Score
Salma Hayek-Perennial Oscar Eye-Candy
Adelle's Rendition of Skyfall; Lincoln Wins Best Production Design
Argo Wins Best Film Editing (and probably Best Picture)
Anne Hathaway Wins Best Supporting Actress, As Expected
Tie: Zero Dark Thirty and Skyfall Win Best Sound Editing
Les Miserables Wins Best Sound Mixing
Amour Wins Best Foreign Film- Entire World Shocked and Awed
Searching For Sugarman Wins Best Documentary Feature
Curfew Wins Best Short Film-Live Action, Inocente Wins Best Documentary Short
Halle Berry Presents James Bond Tribute
Anna Karenina Wins Best Costume Design