Black Friday Sales Are a Triumph Of Capitalism

Americans, especially millennials, embrace buying. While many criticize Black Friday, it represents a large part of what makes America great — capitalism and innovation. America works because people like making money and making things better, and people will pay to buy innovative products. This is particularly true of millennials, many of whom own more than one touchscreen device.
Black Friday is a triumph of capitalism. We all own iPads, smartphones, laptops, and other like products, and we're always excited for the next innovation and way to buy. Many enjoy the buying experience and shop recreationally. There is constantly something new to buy, especially as Apple seems to come out with a new iPhone every five seconds.
Companies plan how to best attract you to their stores on Black Friday, and while innovation is important for all businesses, Black Friday gives companies a special opportunity to make a lasting impression on buyers in unique ways.
A few unexpected businesses are trying their hand at the holiday. Dogfish Head Alehouse will be opening early and offering special deals. One national mortgage lender will allow people to take $500 off their home loan, closing costs on Black Friday for both the goodwill and the PR. One car wash will even pay customers $1 to wash their car..
Other companies are using the internet to their advantage on Black Friday in unique ways. Best Buy is encouraging customers to post vines of shopping madness using the hashtag #VineInLine. Bitcoin, a digital currency, will be hosting its own "Bitcoin Friday." Many people and companies, including reddit and OKCupid, will be participating.
Many argue Black Friday removes sentiment from the holiday season. Some people do wreck Thanksgiving by prioritizing the next day's consumer holiday, which has led to people to trample each other which as even fatalities.
Needless to say, anyone who becomes savage when ravaging stores to save money needs to reevaluate their lives to some degree.
Reasonable people can enjoy Thanksgiving with family and friends, then wake up early on Friday and shop for discounted products. Tablets and televisions are often slightly out of people's price ranges, but on Black Friday, these become affordable. It's nice to buy more, and otherwise expensive, gifts for the holidays. The consumer holiday allows people to find the right gifts for loved ones, while money becomes a smaller factor.
Giving businesses a special occasion to showcase their innovation and lower their prices benefits everyone. Businesses gain new customers and experiment with new marketing strategies, people buy affordable products, and none of this comes from a necessary sacrifice to Thanksgiving.
Community, gratitude, capitalism, and innovation — the former two central to Thanksgiving and the latter to Black Friday — are American ideals which coexist harmoniously. What's more American than spending time with those who love you, capitalism, and innovation?