I'm so sorry but everyone needs to skip spring break this year

Although this current time we live in might seem like one long day punctuated by sporadic naps, a year has passed since the coronavirus reached our shores. And this March, usually a time when college students (and people who miss college) settle on a beachy locale they and their friends will get wasted at — is especially crucial to us controlling the virus. With more than 92 million vaccine doses administered, many of those same folx who didn’t get to throw up with Avicii blaring on a loudspeaker last year feel overdue for a spring break vacation. But, a gentle suggestion: Since there’s still a pandemic raging, please get wasted at home, just for one more spring break.
Now that those of us who have been pricked by the vaccination fairy can now spend time together indoors and unmasked, the more social among us might be thinking of dusting off their Evites for that pre-Easter Kegger they were planning. That sounds like great news, but it worries doctors who think that the younger vaccinated folks among us are going to take this as an excuse to start traveling again. We understand the impulse, but while some now have a greater freedom to roam around the our locales, the CDC specifically asked everyone both— vaccinated and not — to not get back on an airplane quite yet.
That means no Southwest flights to Miami, please. Hundreds of people are still dying from this virus with 148 people dying yesterday in Florida alone.
It might seem safe to party hearty now, under the tutelage of a competent leader. Americans are now being vaccinated at rates far ahead of Biden’s promised 100 million vaccinations by May. And while it seems like everybody and their mother has been vaccinated, please, I beg of you, hold off on that beach make-out with a hot stranger. At least for another few months.