We still don't know who the next president is, but we do have memes


It has truly seemed like the longest week of 2020. Not since March, when all of America went into quarantine as coronavirus swept the nation, have we all seemed as collectively anxious and on-edge about whatever comes next. We all knew there was a good chance learning the outcome of the election would require us to be patient. But I don't think anyone anticipated what a wholly frustrating and nerve-wracking time this would turn out to be.

Anyhow, while election officials dutifully take their time making sure every single vote is counted in swing states like Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, the internet has responded in typical fashion — by churning out lots and lots of memes. It's the injection of levity lots of voters appear to need right about now.

There's been plenty of roasting of Nevada, a state notorious for staying up all night and counting things, for being seemingly nowhere near ready to share its results. As states like Michigan and Wisconsin turned blue, people began sharing videos of humorous gender reveals. Georgia is inching closer to flipping for the Democrats for the first time since 1992, as well — prompting John Legend to croon "Georgia on my mind" at 3 AM, casually.

Anyhow, the election results seem primed to shake out sometime today. But it remains to be seen whether Trump (and his supporters) will accept the outcome voluntarily or try to cling to power by claiming fraud. We don't really want to think about that right now. Which is why we've taken the liberty of gathering lots of good election memes, to hopefully infuse your day with a bit of levity during the push to the finish. Enjoy them, America.