Elizabeth is currently exploring health policy directly related to the expanding field of health technology. Through her work she is able to assess healthcare at both the national and federal level. Her political interests also include women's rights and international diplomacy. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, where she obtained a degree in political science and communication public service. She has been published in Boston Magazine and the Philadelphia Daily News.
Supreme Court Obamacare Ruling: 6 Reasons It Will Have Little Effect on Massachusetts
Mitt Romney Getting No Love in Massachusetts on Super Tuesday
Holidays Are Worst For the Jobless
Why Biden Is The Ideal VP for Obama 2012
Elect Elizabeth Warren to Break Massachusetts' Glass Ceiling
GOP Health Care Battle: Bay State vs. Lone Star State
Create Jobs by Helping the Small Guy
The E-Patient Health Care Revolution
Recession Strengthens Glass Ceiling
Obamacare vs. Romneycare
Job Seekers: Health IT is Hiring, Expensive Degree Not Needed