Lauren M.

A Southern California native, first and foremost. I'm a rabid sports fan (soccer, hockey, football, basketball, and baseball), a TV and movie fanatic, and an undergraduate student majoring in history and sociology (or women's studies) with designs of becoming a teacher. I was raised by a family of history buffs and I found my true passion for history during a trip to Italy when I was thirteen. I fell in love with sociology more recently. I've been in love with politics since fifth grade, when the 2000 elections were in full swing and my classmates and I spent minutes of precious instruction time every day, debating issues we really knew nothing about. My politics are left, but with wisdom to understand that the left is not perfect. I like to talk about the racism, antisemitism, and misogyny that creep quietly throughout the liberal side, in particular.


James Eagan Holmes Psychiatrist Warned, But Was Ignored, Before Aurora Shooting


Teen Bullying Cannot Be Solved With Plastic Surgery


UEFA Euro 2012: Soccer Tournament Gives Europe a Much-Needed Reality Vacation


California Primary Results: Ron Paul Far More Popular Than Mitt Romney, Though the Results Won't Show It